Bereavement Thank You Card Sample – General

Dear ____________, When ___________ passed I was just totally devastated and overwhelmed with grief. I felt like the rug had just been pulled out from under me. Having you there by my side to help me figure out what needed to be done, and to assist me with making phone calls to arrange the service … Read more

Bereavement Thank You Note Sample Wording

Dear ____________, Thank you for the lovely flower arrangement. You have always been such great friends, and having you there at the prayer service meant a lot us to. Many thanks, (YOUR FAMILY’S NAME HERE) Thoughtful Bereavement Gift Ideas “Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard but always … Read more

Bereavement Thank You Letter Example

Dear ____________, Your presence at _________’s funeral service really meant a lot to me. He always talked fondly and respectfully about his supervisor and co-workers, and he would have appreciated the fact that you were all there for him. Thank you for your hugs and kind words of support. Sincerely, (YOUR NAME HERE)

Bereavement Thank You Note Example

Dear ____________, Thank you for extending so much love and support to our family. We greatly appreciated the warm thoughts expressed in your sympathy card, as well as the lovely plant. Your kindness meant a great deal to us. Sincerely, (YOUR NAME HERE)

Bereavement Thank You Card Sample

Dear ____________, Bringing beautiful food platters to our home after the service was an incredibly generous gesture. We actually had more guests arrive than we had expected, so having that extra food on hand was such a wonderful thing. Your thoughtfulness means more to us than words can fully express. Sincerely, (YOUR FAMILY’S NAME HERE)

Bereavement Thank You Note Sample

Dear ____________, Thank you for helping us during this very difficult time. Your kindness and concern for our family means a great deal to us. We appreciate all the love and support you have extended to us during this period of sadness. You have always been a generous and beloved friend of our family. (YOUR … Read more

Bereavement Thank You Note Wording Example

Dear ____________, Thank you so much for assisting me with making the funeral arrangements for ________. Your clear and level- headed thinking and planning at a time when I felt so scattered was an incredible help. Your loving support and kindness meant a great deal to me. (YOUR NAME HERE)